Punishing Gray Raven API

A repository dedicated to storing information on every playable construct within game.
Updated to the current CN patch.

API endpoint: https://pgr-api.vercel.app/api/

API Calls & Endpoints

HTTP method Endpoint Reponse
GET /api Returns an array of all the construct within this database.
GET /api/:construct Returns an object containing information of the given construct within this database. Must use constructs frame. Example: 'Scire' not 'Karenina'.

Field Reference

Field name Description Data Type
name Construct name String
title Construct's frame name String
rank Construct's rank String
class Construct's class String
element Construct's element String
weapon Construct's weapon type String
signature Construct's signature weapon String
faction Construct's associated faction String
gift Construct's preferred gift String
serviceTime Construct's service time String
mentalAge Construct's mental age String
activationDate Construct's activation date/birthday String
height Construct's height String
weight Construct's weight String
vitalFluidType Construct's vital fluid type String